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Accounting and Finance

Accounting and Finance - Online Degrees Available

Accountants and finance specialists are needed in almost every area of business. The field of accounting and finance includes accounting technology, bookkeeping, corporate finance, and finance and banking. There are a number of accredited online schools, colleges, and other education programs that offer students the necessary training for obtaining the degree of their choice. Students can obtain an associates, bachelors, masters, or even doctoral degree from the comforts of home with an online educational program.

An associate's degree in accounting and finance can be obtained in as little as two years. Students looking to obtain an accredited degree at this level can expect to complete 60 credit hours with an online program. With an education in this field students will have the opportunity to learn basic accounting, business law, computer applications, principles of accounting, and much more. The skills and knowledge each student acquires will allow them to become an accounting assistant, bookkeeper, or other professional in this career area. An associate's in accounting and finance will help prepare for a bachelors degree for those students looking to further their education and career options.

A bachelor's degree is a four year degree that can be acquired from an accredited online education program. Students enrolled in an online bachelor's degree program will need to complete between 120 and 150 credit hours to be eligible for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam. The CPA is an exam that provides licensure to those who have completed training and pass the exam. With a degree program at this level students can study coursework such as managerial accounting, investment management, E-commerce, and more. Graduates will have the opportunity to become chief financial officers, public accountants, financial analysts, and other financial experts. By obtaining a bachelors degree students will have the option of enrolling in a master's degree program.

In the field of accounting and finance students can earn a master's degree if they have previously obtained a bachelor's. A masters degree usually takes around one year to complete, and can open a world of opportunities. A graduate who holds a masters degree in accounting and finance will have the knowledge and skills to become a management accountant, taxation specialist, and more. Course studies may consist of learning corporate finance, risk management, financial accounting, and other relevant areas of study. A master's degree will allow students to further their education and career options by qualifying them to study for a doctoral degree.

Doctoral degrees are the highest available degree in the field of accounting and finance. A degree at this level often requires several years of study in addition to previous education obtained. Students enrolled in a doctoral degree program with an online school or college will be able to apply for career positions as financial executives, financial managers, or accounting educators. With an accredited program students can learn taxation, government accounting, auditing, and business management. With a doctoral degree students will be prepared for an exciting new career.

A degree earned online will provide students with the instruction and knowledge they need to be successful in their career. A student who enrolls in a graduate or undergraduate program in the field of accounting and finance will train for a career that is necessary in the world of business. When selecting an online program for a degree, students' should make sure that it is fully accredited and offers the specific training needed to meet their goals.

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